Leine Land

We’d made arrangements to stay at the Wisconsin State Fairgrounds in Chippewa Falls. After a couple days of non-stop travel we usually like to stop somewhere for a night or two where we can connect to utilities, cook a decent meal and regroup a bit. Before we arrived, Ben was researching the area surrounding the... Continue Reading →

Gordon and Edmund

There are times when learning a bit of history makes some ordinary or cliched thing you've known since forever take on new life. Spend any time in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and sooner or later you’re bound to hear Gordon Lightfoot crooning The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. The song is the official background music... Continue Reading →

Restoration Hangar

You hear people say it again and again. “I never visit local attractions unless I have company from out of town I need to entertain.” I know people who have never visited our local zoo, art museum, theaters, parks and historical sites. We’ve done our fair share in checking Ohio's offerings, but this particular summer... Continue Reading →

Crosses and a Bus, Part II

You can see it from our campsite. The first thing you notice is the American flag, and then you can make out what looks like a shack. The confluence where the Gauley and New rivers merge to become the Kanawha river is marked by two large clumps of rocks. On the taller rock, a group... Continue Reading →

Crosses and a Bus, Part I

If you spend any time in the town of Gauley Bridge West Virginia, you'll likely notice two of its most notable landmarks--other than the obvious New and Gauley Rivers that converge to form the Kanawha River. At the beginning of the Kanawha are two large rock formations. On one stands a bus. On the other... Continue Reading →

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