Locking Through

We are currently parked in Sault Ste. Marie in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The word Sault is pronounced “Soo.” Businesses and attractions are either named “Sault-something” or Soo-something,” presumably in the name of variety, and to confound tourists who might be searching for a business named Sault-something when it's actually spelled Soo-something. Our campsite... Continue Reading →

Air Supply

Many years ago (like, 35) I camped in Rocky Mountain National Park with a group of friends. One day we all went for a hike up Twin Sisters mountain. It’s not a terribly technical hike, but it's a lot of up and the summit is well above the tree line. It might have been the... Continue Reading →

Ice Roller

The first leg of what I’m now calling “Parkapalooza 2018” Started in Hinton, Alberta at Jasper National Park. Like most planners, I read lots of guidebooks and checked out the usual travel blogs and websites. I even talked to a few human beings about where to go and what to do. Jasper National Park is... Continue Reading →


When you’re in a place for only a few days you want to get the most bang for your hiking buck. After poring over several trail maps and books of Jasper National Park, one of the trails we chose to hike was the Maligne (pronounced Mah-leen) Canyon. The trail follows the river bank and upper... Continue Reading →

Cupcakes in the Mountains

“You haven’t written much since we got to Canada,” said Ben. He’s right. Our days have been filled with exploring the area in our limited time here. We are far enough north that the light lasts well into the evening, with sunset around 9:00 and darkness around 10:30 PM. That makes for long, busy days.... Continue Reading →

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